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Cardi B And Megan Thee Stallion Are Celebrating WAP Success By Giving Away $1 Million To Fans

Cardi B And Megan Thee Stallion Are Celebrating WAP Success By Giving Away $1 Million To Fans

Jump on Twitter right now because Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion are currently giving away $1 million in cash to fans.

The female rappers behind the world’s #1 chart topping hit WAP are celebrating their success by supporting well, their supporters.

“To all everyone supporting #WAP we see you!! We’re partnering with Twitter and Cash App to celebrate all the powerful women out there by giving away a total of $1 million dollars,” tweeted Megan. “How can some $ help you or a woman you know right now?”

Female fans in need of some cash can tweet their Cash App tag using the hashtag #WAPParty to qualify. The giveaway is exclusive to Twitter and each winner will be awarded $500.

Since dropping last week, WAP has made headlines around the world for its strong message of female empowerment and celebration of female sexuality. Despite some backlash (mostly from white men who felt ~uncomfortable~ about the racy lyrics), the single officially became the first female rap collaboration in history to debut at #1 on America’s Hot 100.

After Cardi and Megan’s exciting announcement, thousands of fans have tweeted their $cashtag to the singers citing lost jobs, affected income, and difficulty paying bills due to the global pandemic as their reasons for needing that extra $500.

It appears some have received payment almost instantaneously, as many winners have been shared screenshots of the $500 in their Cash App.

The giveaway will end once the singers have given away $1 million worth of $500 prizes.

So if you don’t have a $cashtag yet, we highly suggest you get one. Like, now.

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